Wednesday, July 6, 2022

How IV Sedation Helps During Oral Surgery


dental surgery implant surgeon iv sedation


Conscious sedation can be performed orally (medication), through inhalation or intravenously. The patient is not asleep, but cooperative and has normal reflexes.

Intravenous sedation is a deep anesthetic technique used to administer drugs directly into the blood flow. This procedure induces a controlled decrease in consciousness, allowing the tolerance of unpleasant procedures, while maintaining control of cardio-respiratory function in the patient.

The advantage of conscious sedation over general anesthesia is that the patient recovers faster and can cooperate with the dental surgeon during the entire procedure. It is important to know that conscious sedation is accompanied by local anesthesia, especially in the case of dental surgeries.

Benefits of IV sedation

- diminishing the state of retrograde amnesia and anxiolysis (state of anxiety/ fear that some patients have before the intervention); patients may have memory loss related only to the time spent in the dentist`s chair, without affecting their background memory
- analgesia (during the dental surgery, the patient will not perceive low-intensity painful stimuli)
- this sedation technique allows the patient to be discharged on the same day
- the patient can feed and hydrate normally, a few hours after the operation

An anesthesiologist monitors, throughout the intervention, the vital functions of the patient — pulse, blood pressure — and constantly adjusts their values. During this time, the dental implant surgeon Buffalo Grove hosts will focus on solving the problems in the oro-dental area.

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