Thursday, November 4, 2021

Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction Always Necessary?


Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the human mouth, located at the end of each row, teeth that no longer play a role, but exist nevertheless. Wisdom teeth lost their functionality, that is why they usually suffer from lots of issues, from severe decay to impaction and to the failure to grow in the right direction, most people requiring wisdom tooth removal at quite an early age. However, not everyone needs that extraction – in some people, wisdom teeth grow correctly and in the right direction, causing no problem at all and not requiring removal. Here are some of the signs that you need Park Ridge wisdom tooth extraction and you are not that lucky to avoid it:

-          Severe decay and infections – wisdom teeth are located in difficult to reach places, an feature that favors the accumulation of bacteria and the development of decay and infections. If those problems cannot be treated with fillings, the best recommended solution is extraction;

-          Impaction – wisdom teeth have a tendency to develop underneath the gum surface, growing without erupting. These teeth usually cause problems and need to be extracted;

-          Crowding nearby teeth – if your wisdom tooth does not grow in the right direction, it might start pushing the adjacent teeth, causing them to become crowded. The best way to prevent that from happening or to treat the issue is through extraction.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Will You Feel Any Pain?

  Wisdom teeth extraction is typically considered to be a pretty complicated procedure which involves the surgical extraction of wisdom te...