Oral surgery, like any surgical intervention, entails some risks and post-operative complications can also appear. Fortunately, there are many ways that an experienced and the best oral surgeon Chicago offers can prevent or at least mitigate these risks – here are some:
- A detailed discussion with the patient – preparing the patient by providing detailed information about the procedure is an essential part of risk prevention. The doctor should tell the patient what to expect during and after the surgery and should also provide instructions about to prepare for the intervention and about what to do and what to not do after the intervention. The instructions should include guidance about the diet to follow before and after the surgery as well as advice about how to take things easy for a while;
- Adequate monitoring – depending on how serious the intervention, the doctor should monitor the patient for a certain amount of time after the surgery to ensure that the patient is well enough to leave the doctor’s office. The time that the patient should spend in the office after the intervention varies from around 15 minutes for simple extractions to a couple of hours for procedures performed on sedated patients;
- Quick reaction – the doctor should establish a relation based on trust with the patients, ensuring the patients that they can tun to their doctor if the healing does not go as it should or if there is any unusually strong pain after the intervention.