Wisdom teeth are molars that do not have a role in chewing and grinding our food, vestigial teeth that are so prone to decay and other problems especially because they are not used. While many experts say that wisdom teeth should be extracted as soon as possible even if they are healthy, others are of the opinion that healthy, correctly erupted wisdom teeth can be left in. However, before making the decision to keep your wisdom teeth, it is a good idea to inform yourself about the implications – here are some things to know:
- Wisdom teeth can be affected by many problems, even if they have erupted correctly – the fact that wisdom teeth are not used increases the risk of developing cavities, infections, gum disease and cysts;
- The earlier the extraction is performed, the easier the recovery – the roots of wisdom teeth tend to grow longer and more strongly attached to the jawbone, therefore the ideal time for wisdom teeth extraction is soon after the eruption is complete, usually when the patient is in their mid-twenties;
- Visit a good dentist before making the decision – the best way to find out all the pros and cons of wisdom tooth extractions is by visiting a dentist and discussing the problem with the medical professional at https://www.oralsurgery-hicd.com/contact-us/buffalo-grove-office/.