Even though wisdom teeth removal is a generally standard procedure that rarely features any complications, it pay to be prepared beforehand. Illinois oral surgeons will warn you about the effects of the sedation process immediately after the procedure, as well as the long term effects of the recovery process, which may require you to take certain types of medication, stick to soft foods, and take time off work – depending on the nature of your profession.
The first thing to consider is to ask your dentist about the medicine you have to take and the dietary changes you’ll have to make during recovery. Then purchase the foods and medicine you will need. Also, make sure you take off work for at least 1-2 days or more, if possible and necessary, depending on the recommendations of your oral surgeon.
The surgery required for wisdom tooth removal Buffalo Grove clinic offers will need you to be sedated, and the aftereffects of the sedation can last for hours. You will have to get someone to go with you and drive you home, and you’ll have to plan on being able to rest and sleep, if possible, for at least a few hours after you get home. That way you can avoid a lot of the discomfort and difficulty associated with the sedatives wearing off while you’re awake in a less tranquil atmosphere.