Monday, December 5, 2022

What to Expect If You Haven’t Visited Your Dentist in Years


Dental Implant Expectations Dentist Visit Oral Health Park Ridge

Not going to dentist in years is very common in most places. The American dental Association cited in a survey in 2018 that only 58% of people saw a dentist at least about once a year; or as they recommend, every six months. This means that the other 42% of the participants haven’t been to a dentist in over a year.


Anxiety of going to the dentist, cost, convenience and schedule are some of the factors as to why people are often trying to avoid even getting their teeth checked for cavities.


You can expect that the dentist will ask you about your general health since you last visited them, as well as what types of dental issues you’re experiencing. They will be examining your x-rays if necessary, and will also check that your bite is in proper alignment. They might also check your prod fillings for loosening and check your gums for any signs of periodontal disease.


Even if your teeth are feeling fine for the most part, there can be underlying issues like tooth decay or gum disease, which will require oral surgery. Wisdom teeth extraction could be needed, or they may suggest a dental implant Park Ridge surgeon for tooth replacement.


That is why it is important to make sure to fit a visit your dentist into your schedule and get it done regularly. Oral health is important, as it should be one of the health-related goals of any individual to maintain healthy gums and teeth that will last a lifetime.

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