Wednesday, December 28, 2022

How Long Does It Take to Recover After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?


Real Time Recovery Wisdom Tooth Extraction Procedures

Since each person is different, recovery time after dental surgery in general can vary. Some surgeries are a lot more complicated and difficult to recover from compared to others. However, if you’re thinking of getting a wisdom tooth extraction, you’ll find that things are not as bad as you might have feared.


A wisdom tooth extraction Highland Park area is a relatively common procedure that can, however, become pretty complicated. You might just need to have one of your wisdom teeth removed, and the access to it could be pretty straightforward. On the other hand, you could need a more advanced intervention that lasts longer and is more invasive. Additionally, if the problem was allowed to deteriorate over time and you’re also dealing with an infection and other complications, then it’s likely that both the procedure and the recovery time will be more problematic.


Most people recover within 4 to 7 days after a wisdom tooth extraction, provided that they abide by the appropriate after-care. However, that interval may extend to 2 weeks for a full recovery on average, especially if there are some complications. Even if everything goes well and the recovery process is smooth, your dentist will likely still recommend that you take it easy for up to 2 weeks.

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