Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Post-Operative Instructions


Wisdom Tooth Removal Park Ridge Post Operation


Wisdom teeth extraction is a very common surgery that takes place without risks of major complications. However, there are some post-operative instructions to take into account, to ensure complete and fast healing.

It is essential to keep the area as clean as possible during the healing period. Because you still have to drink and eat even if your molar has been taken out, food can easily stick to the wound. This can make the healing process more difficult.

Try these guidelines to keep the wound area clean:

-Use a mouthwash with antiseptic effect
-Rinse using warm water mixed with a bit of salt -  it will reduce swelling and soothe the pain
-Keep the head as high as possible, while you are sleeping, to relieve discomfort
-In addition to pain, some people will feel fatigue following a wisdom tooth extraction, so it is advisable to avoid exercising for a while

What can you eat after tooth extraction?

Eating liquid or soft foods can help prevent possible damage to the wound. Examples include soup, soft pasta, eggs, banana, etc.

In the first few days after the Park Ridge wisdom tooth removal, don’t eat foods that require chewing and don’t eat sweets either, as they can get stuck and cause pain and wound damage, in the process of healing. Also avoid heavy and crunchy foods such as pretzels, chips, seeds or nuts, as well as hot or spiced foods.



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