Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Things To Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Buffalo Grove Dental Implants Improved Dental Health


Have you heard that the dental implant is the best solution for replacing missing teeth? Do you want to pursue the Buffalo Grove dental implants treatment to regain your dental health and smile, but you still have questions before making a decision?

Here are some things that are important to know before getting a dental implant and find out how this procedure can help you regain your social life in record time.

What is a dental implant?

The dental implant is a safe, fast and painless solution that will help you to have complete teeth and good oral health. This screw made mostly from titanium plays the role of the natural root of a tooth and is biocompatible with the body. Thus, the risks related to the potential rejection of the implants by the body are just a myth. In order for a dental implant to take the place of a natural tooth, a dental crown is attached to it, which has the role of both restoring functionality and aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of the dental implant

Unlike dental bridges and removable dentures, the dental implant provides a high degree of comfort. The implant behaves and looks like a natural tooth. Another advantage is that it limits bone loss. The fact that you have a missing tooth can cause a deterioration in the bone structure, over time, because the area is no longer stimulated. The dental implant maintains the health of the bone and gum, and the appearance of the face will remain normal, without physiognomic changes.

Whether we are talking about inserting a single implant or the total reconstruction of the teeth, recovery is quick and easy, if you follow the doctor's indications.


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