Monday, November 28, 2022

Getting Prepared for An Oral Surgery

Oral Surgeon Chicago Preoperative Medical History


When it comes to preparing for an oral surgery from one of the best oral surgeon Chicago has to offer, the most important thing is to follow the indications given by the surgeon. But in general, there are certain aspects that it is good to know beforehand:

Ø  You can start by making sure that you will feel comfortable in the next couple of days after the intervention. This would include that at home everything is in order, the chores you had to do are complete, and your schedule is as free as possible, to reduce stress and excess physical exertion.

Ø  If local anesthesia will be performed, it is advisable to eat before surgery.

Ø  If general anesthesia will be performed, you should not eat 8-10 hours before the intervention.

Ø  Oral hygiene should be carried out as thoroughly as possible, in order to reduce to the minimum possible the number of bacteria in the oral cavity, thus also reducing the risk of postoperative infection.

Ø  If you are under treatment with medications prescribed by another doctor for another health problem, these medications will not be discontinued unless the surgeon will determine that this is indeed necessary.

Ø  In certain situations, the surgeon will send you to perform a set of medical analyzes, before the intervention.

Ø  You must be honest with the doctor and tell them all the health problems and treatments you is undergoing. This is essential information for the doctor, in order to prevent accidents and intraoperative complications, and in the event of a medical emergency.


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