Monday, October 24, 2022

How Reconstructive Surgery and Dental Implants Go Together

Dental Implant Skokie Office Oral Surgeon Procedure


Patients who have damaged or missing teeth can go for reconstructive surgery, alongside dental implants. At any rate, oral surgery can provide a lot of great benefits to your dental health. These procedures can help restore primary functions such as chewing, biting, not to mention the aesthetic element, which helps you enjoy a beautiful smile for a longer period of time.

There are some facts you need to consider if you want to determine whether you should go for implants or reconstruction, or a combination of these two. Dental implants are inserted into the gums, which are especially prepared for this type of procedure.

At any rate, dental implants have been used for more than twenty years. And present-day innovations have made the whole Skokie dental implant rocedure a lot more comfortable and easier to perform. Because implants are typically made of titanium, they can easily integrate with the bone structure. And dental implant reconstruction can be completed in just a few visits to the dentist.

There are different types of dental implant procedures, which imply different steps and methods. While reconstructive surgery usually corrects any kind of dental defects you were born with, dental implants further complement this kind of intervention, so that you can enjoy a comfortable and long-lasting dentition.

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