Friday, October 28, 2022

Dealing with Children Who Are Afraid of the Dentist


Dental Care Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It is perfectly normal for children to be afraid of going to the dentist, especially if it is about his/her very first visit, or if the visits stretch over longer periods of time. They have to deal with a new environment, unknown people, dental instruments, noises and unfamiliar odors. Even if they do not need oral surgery for Highland Park wisdom tooth extraction yet, they still can get really worried about the procedures, and knowing which steps to take to make it easier for them to go to the dentist is essential.

That is why it would be more than recommended for children to visit the dentist from a very early age, so that they can get familiar with the place, with the people, how they are dressed, how they are expected to cooperate, and so on.

The good news is there are pediatric dentists, who most often are very fun people, familiar with children’s psychology and have a friendly and positive attitude in general. Many dentists use the tell-show-do technique, in the sense that they tell children about the procedure they are about to go through, then they are shown how it will be done, and finally the procedure is applied. Watching videos about children going to the dentist can also help your children better cope with the whole thing.

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