Thursday, September 8, 2022

Why Your Dentist Might Ask You to Get More Tests Done


Why North Suburban Surgeon Is Needed

Whether you need complicated oral surgery from a North Suburban oral surgeon or just a few implants, your dentist might be cautious to go forward depending on certain factors. Sometimes they may even decide to postpone your surgery until you get more tests done. Here are a few of the most significant cases when that might happen:


  • In many cases, x-rays don’t reveal the full extent of the problem, which is often the reason why dentists tend to say that it’s better to be safe than sorry, and recommend that you get more tests done to see if you can go ahead with a certain procedure.
  • If you haven’t had a medical checkup done in a while, your dentist could recommend you get a more thorough one to see if you suffer from a disease that could interfere with your dental surgery or any other procedure you might need to undergo. This “safety first” approach has often worked to prevent severe complications that patients suffering from diseases they didn’t know about could have suffered.
  • There are health issues that can deteriorate over time. If you have HBP, heart problems or diabetes, their severity can sometimes mean the difference between whether or not your dentist will go ahead with a more complicated surgery. As such, even if you got your last checkup just a couple of months ago, they might still recommend you get new tests to determine whether or not you can go through with your procedure.

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