Friday, September 30, 2022

Types of Treatments Using Multiple Implants

Dental Implant Buffalo Grove Treatments Bridges


Although you can technically get as many different implants as you have teeth in your mouth, the fact is that there are many different types of treatments that use multiple implants, and it’s not always safe or practical to replace too many of your teeth all at once. As your dentist will say, each patient has their own individual needs, and if you want the best results you should always get your dental implant Buffalo Grove treatment according to your own specific needs.


The decision regarding your treatment will be taken based on a number of factors, including:


  • Your medical history and the presence of any underlying diseases that could interfere with a more serious surgical procedure;
  • Whether or not you have an allergy to certain materials;
  • Problems or possible complications associated with sedatives;
  • The need for reconstructive oral surgery.


In most cases, 2-3 implants can be added next to each other in order to retain multiple crowns. Support is very important here, and an implant-supported bridge will often be added as a structure that looks similar to traditional dental bridges.


Essentially, the main difference between this approach and that of replacing multiple missing teeth with individual implants is that a bridge supported by implants rather than natural teeth can most often be added all at once, so the entire procedure is simplified and recovery time can be reduced quite a bit.

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