Monday, August 15, 2022

When Do Dentists Recommend Oral Surgery Instead of Extraction?

HICD Oral Surgery Tooth Extraction


Whether you have severe tooth decay, a broken or cracked tooth, severe gum disease or crowded teeth, dental extraction could be necessary to solve your problem and/or improve your overall dental health. Unfortunately, getting your tooth pulled is not always enough, and there are many instances when your dentist will prefer to recommend oral surgery instead of extraction.


One of the most common cases when this is necessary is for wisdom teeth extractions. Because of the placement of the tooth and the depth of its root, dentists often opt for the option of performing dental surgery, since the process is actually less troublesome and more efficient. The experts who normally perform surgical extractions are known as oral maxillofacial surgeons. General dentists can also perform them if the procedure is not too complex.


Other cases can also include the bone around your tooth being too dense, or instances where you might have curved, cracked or extremely painful misaligned teeth that need to be extracted. An uncommonly deep and decayed cavity can also be the reason why your dentist would rather perform surgery. Such cases are usually quite tricky and require careful preparation as well as a thorough dental checkup before your dentist will give them the green light. However, you’ll find that in the end the results will be well worth it, as your oral health will improve and you won’t have to deal with broken teeth and cavities.  Some of the best oral surgeons such as are recommended to help in these types of dental correction.

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