Friday, August 26, 2022

Can Cardiovascular Problems Interfere with Your Dental Surgery?

Dental HICD Associates


Cardiovascular problems can be of many different types and caused by a variety of health problems that you might be suffering from. Whether you have heart disease and high blood pressure, or you’re just suffering from obesity, it’s worth talking to your dentist about the possibility that your cardiovascular issues might interfere with your dental surgery.


When it comes to oral surgery, a lot of things can go wrong:


  • It’s possible that your blood pressure could go up suddenly due to anxiety or as a result of an unexpected physiological response.
  • You could be allergic to a substance or material used during the surgery.
  • The medication you take could lead to side effects following the administering of your sedative.
  • You could have an underlying disease that may lead to your condition destabilizing and deteriorating during the surgical procedure.


The latter is likely to happen when you’re suffering from a cardiovascular disorder. Studies have shown that oral surgeries have to be discontinued or postponed on a regular basis when a patient with cardiovascular disease experiences heightened blood pressure or some other negative effect right before the surgical procedure is started.


If you’re a high-risk patient, it’s very important for you to talk to your oral surgeon at  about your problem and see if you can find any workarounds that could keep you safe and still allow you to go through with your surgery.

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