Friday, July 22, 2022

When Wisdom Teeth Extraction Shouldn’t Be Delayed Too Long


wisdom tooth extraction needed xray

Wisdom teeth are the 3rd molars and develop around the age of 17-25, but there are some cases in which they appear even after the age of 30. There are people who may have 1, 2, 3 or 4 wisdom teeth, but about 25% of people do not have wisdom teeth at all. They are the lucky ones, because they will not develop any problem that would require an extraction.

The wisdom tooth extraction Park Ridge offers is a very common dental procedure.

Why do we get our wisdom teeth out?

·       To get rid of pain and discomfort

·       To maintain proper hygiene

·       To prevent or stop the croaking of other teeth or the injury of the surrounding soft parts

A wisdom tooth does not have a practical role in the mastication process - for this reason, in general, a dental implant is not needed to replace the "lost tooth".

Following a mandibular x-ray, the dentist will determine if one or more of your 3rd molars need to be removed.

If you have a wisdom tooth that is likely to cause problems over time, it is advisable to act as soon as possible, and to allow your dentist to extract it. This is recommended around the age of 15-25, because extraction is easier when the bone is still elastic and the roots are not fully formed. However, it can be done at any age, if needed.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Will You Feel Any Pain?

  Wisdom teeth extraction is typically considered to be a pretty complicated procedure which involves the surgical extraction of wisdom te...