Monday, July 18, 2022

Is Oral Surgery Easier to Handle Than a Tooth Extraction?


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There are two types of tooth extractions, one of which being suitable for simple cases, while the other requires surgery:

Simple tooth extractions - are used in cases where the tooth is loose and easy to pull out with classic tools, and there is no risk of tooth fractures or other complications. This procedure is usually performed with local anesthesia.

    Surgical tooth extractions - are used in cases where higher risks are involved:

·       complicated extractions of the wisdom teeth

·       revealing and anchoring of included teeth

·       resection of granulomas or maxillary cysts

·       bone augmentation or bone addition

·       sinus lifting intervention

·       periodontal surgery

Being a complex intervention, oral surgery is easier to handle in these situations, ensuring the success of the treatment without complications.

Oral surgery is focused on the diagnosis and specific treatment of dental diseases, defects or injuries that have to do with the functional and aesthetic aspects of the mouth, teeth and jaws. Surgical treatments restore the health of the oral cavity, not only through dental extractions, but also by gingival plastic surgery or preparing the ground for the application of prosthetic works or Skokie dental implant surgeon procedures.

Oral surgery procedures are used only when necessary, being performed by specialists. It is very important that the patient follows all the advice received from the surgeon who performed the intervention, in order to contribute to the proper healing of the area.


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