Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Can You Avoid Oral Surgery If Your Teeth Are in Bad Condition?


dental problems teeth removed best oral surgeon procedures

When you have one or more teeth affected by cavities, it does not necessarily mean that they will have to be removed. In most cases, cavity treatment is possible.

This is done by the dentist, with the mandatory use of a special drill to remove the affected tissue. The formed cavity is treated with disinfectants. After that, the shape of the tooth is restored with the help of a filling material.

However, for a successful treatment, it is extremely important to make an appointment with your dentist as quickly as possible after identifying a tooth problem. Out of fear of dental interventions, many people postpone the visit to a dental clinic until the pain becomes impossible to bear. Unfortunately, if you do that, your tooth may become unrecoverable.

You need to know that dentistry has come a long way, and nowadays the treatment of caries is totally comfortable due to anesthesia based on substance like ultracaine or septanest that make dental treatments completely pain-free.

When teeth are destroyed by caries and cannot be treated anymore, oral surgery can no longer be avoided. It may also be necessary in other situations too, where teeth are in bad condition for other reasons: they are fractured at the roots, have high mobility due to acute periodontitis, or prevent other teeth from being placed back on the arch with an orthodontic treatment.  In that case, it is best to search out the best oral surgeon Chicago offers for treatment.

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