Wisdom teeth are also called the third molars and are considered to be vestigial teeth that have lost any function in chewing and grinding our food. In the ancient times, when our ancestors followed a diet based on grains, they needed wisdom teeth to be able to process their food. When humans switched to a different diet, wisdom teeth have lost their function and they started to be the culprits behind many dental problems due to the fact that our changed diets have triggered changes in the size of the human jaw as well. As a result, wisdom teeth, that are usually the largest teeth in the human mouth, no longer have sufficient space to erupt and to grow correctly.
Wisdom teeth can cause money problems. The most common issues are problems related today eruption of these teeth – many people do not have their wisdom teeth erupt through their gum, with the large molar growing underneath the gum surface, pushing the adjacent teeth and causing constant pain. The other problem with these teeth arises from their position: being located at the end of the rows of teeth in our mouth, they are very hard to reach and to clean correctly, which makes them more sensitive to cavities and infections. To resolve and to prevent these issues, many Buffalo Grove wisdom tooth removal specialists say that the best way to proceed is to remove the teeth as soon as necessary.