Oral surgery is something that most of us undergo at some point in our life – whether we are talking about dental extractions, the removal of growth in the mouth, or some other issues like bone grafting for Park Ridge dental implant procedure, most people have at least one intervention of the kind in their life. However, there are specific, very rare cases when these surgical interventions should be avoided - here are some examples:
· The patient is suffering from a severe illness that prevents oral surgery- If the patient in need of the surgery suffers from a very severe illness, such as severe allergies to the anaesthetic or another substance used during the surgery, or from a cardiovascular illness that would prevent the administration of anaesthetics, oral surgery might be excluded.
· Severe psychological problems – while dental phobia and fear from surgical interventions is a very common problem and is usually overcome by the patient, if need be, some people are so severely affected by the phobia that oral surgery is counter advised to avoid causing more severe problems. Suppose the patient’s emotional reaction is so strong that it becomes impossible to perform the intervention among normal circumstances. In that case, performing the treatment under complete sedation might be discussed.