Many people today are concerned about safety in doctors’ offices, especially in dentist offices where the procedures are performed directly in the patient’s mouth. Fortunately, these worries are largely unfounded – dental practices are among the safest places to be, whether for treatment, or a visit to a North Suburban oral surgeon or for just a simple check-up. Here is why:
- Advanced sterilization techniques – dentistry practises use some of the most advanced sterilisation devices available. The equipment used by dentists include autoclave machines and special lamps as well as other techniques and devices that kill germs and pathogens;
- Disposable tools – dentists use a wide range of disposable tools that are taken out from a sterile packaging and disposed of safely right after being used;
- Safety equipment – dentists observe very strict rules when it comes to the clothes they wear while they are performing treatments. The equipment without which they are not allowed to touch their patient includes disposable surgical gloves, special head gear with face shields and glasses as well as special clothes and shoes that are not only clean but sterile as well;
- Germ-free rooms – dental practices usually clean the air in their rooms as well with special UV lights that kill all pathogens from the air and from the surfaces in the room as well.