Thursday, December 9, 2021

3 Essential Tips to Prepare for Your Upcoming Oral Surgery

Tips dental work surgery oral surgeons


Oral surgery, whether it consists of the extraction of an impacted molar, the removal of a salivary gland or the correction of a congenital defect, requires some preparation. Here are some tips that can help you avoid complications after the surgery:

-          Take it easy the day before the surgery – staying away from alcohol and heavy meals, going to bed early and having a savory breakfast before the intervention are very important for helping your body and your mind during the surgery;

-          Arrange for transport to go home – driving home right after the surgery is counter-advised by medical experts. After the intervention is complete and over, you might be required to stay for a little longer in the doctor's office and you will be allowed to go home only one the doctor considers that you are completely alert and well. However, the effect of the anesthetic that you received are still there, so you should not be driving until the next day;

-          Take the day off work – going back to the office or to your workplace is not a good idea either, so take the day of the surgery off;

-          Prepare your fridge – after the surgery, you will have to stay away from foods that are too hot, too cold, too chewy or too hard, so go grocery shopping before the surgery and buy things that can be safely consumed after your intervention.  Get the best surgeons available at



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