Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Teeth Whitening Products vs. Special Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

white teeth oral surgery surgeons services


The whiteness of our pearly whites is continuously eroded by the foods and drinks we consume and habits such as smoking and natural aging also affect how shiny and white our teeth are. The process is reversible to a certain extent, those who want their smile to be brighter having the option to choose between at-home and professional whitening methods. Here are some things to know about the two solutions:

-          At-home whitening products – these products are quite affordable and available over the counter in drug stores. They come in various forms, from whitening toothpastes and powders to gels and liquids to be applied with a special brush and they usually deliver visible results slowly, over the course of several months. The most common active whitening agents used in these products are active coal and hydrogen peroxide;

-          Professional dental cleaning – this type of dental whitening is performed by dentists, in one session or through multiple visits, and they provide visible results after the first treatment. Professional whitening is not only more efficient than the whitening products to be used at home – they are also safer and the results are more durable, too. There are many in-office techniques used for whitening teeth, from airbrushing and polishing with coal particles to gels and laser treatments.  Find some of the best in oral health care at https://www.oralsurgery-hicd.com/contact-us/buffalo-grove-office/.


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