Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Is It an All-Day Process to Have Wisdom Teeth Extracted?


wisdom tooth removal girl smiling done

When we think about wisdom tooth extraction, what comes to mind is a complicated, difficult and painful intervention that takes long to complete. The truth is that the complexity and the duration of taking out a wisdom tooth depends on the condition of the tooth – in simple cases, the process is very similar to the extraction of other molars and it also takes about the same amount of time, usually around an hour and a half.

In more complex cases, wisdom teeth can be difficult to extract, the most common problem that affects the duration of the procedure being the direction of growth. One of the most frequent issues encountered during the extraction of wisdom teeth is the position of the root and the direction in which the tooth has developed. Many people have wisdom teeth that do not grow vertically as they should and in more severe cases, the tooth does not erupt at all, growing horizontally under the gum. In these cases, the Buffalo Grove wisdom tooth removal procedure might take longer or the patient might have to be put under general anaesthesia during the intervention. If complete sedation is needed, the time needed for the patient to wake up completely will add another hour or so to the complete duration of the intervention.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction – Will You Feel Any Pain?

  Wisdom teeth extraction is typically considered to be a pretty complicated procedure which involves the surgical extraction of wisdom te...