Oral surgeons are highly-trained medical specialists who perform complex dental interventions that general dentists are not qualified to handle. All oral surgeons study for long years and pass difficult exams to receive their permit to practice, but even so, not all oral surgeons are a good match for you. Here is how to find the surgeon that you feel comfortable with:
- Get recommendations from your general dentist – most general dentists work with one or several oral surgeons that they refer their patients to if the affection to be treated exceeds their expertise, so your dentist will probably be able to recommend you some trustworthy doctors;
- Find doctors online and make appointments to meet them personally – a quick online query can help you find out the names and addresses of the oral surgeons in your area. Call the practices you identify and make appointments with the doctors to discuss the intervention you need and to check out the doctor’s office;
- Talk to the people you know – word-of-mouth information can also be very handy. Ask your friends and family members whether they know any oral surgeons and also ask them to recommend you doctors that they consider to be good. Hochstadter, Isaacson, Cherny, Dumanis & Associates Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ltd. also comes highly recommended.
source https://www.oralsurgery-hicd.com/blog/how-to-find-the-right-oral-surgeon/
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